Monday, November 13, 2006

Diaper Breakthrough

OK all, several of you weighed in on the diaper dilemma, so I'm publicly sharing an interesting 'hybrid model' (for lack of a better term) that Christopher and I found. Check out They use the same 'waterproof panties' type of system that cotton diapers do nowadays, but the innards are totally flushable (really) and, for the pee-only liners, compostable (Rick, who knew your worms would come in so handy!). The company is new, started by a couple who had the same questions and concerns we voiced and weren't satisfied with any of the answers available. So we'll see . . . I think we're going to give these a shot to start. Stay tuned for a test-drive update in, say, six months or so!

PS -- Yes, I did do a cost analysis on these gdiapers ;-) and they're a tad more expensive than the major brands, but not by much, a few pennies per package.

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